Looking to enroll your student with one of our district schools? Visit our Registration and Enrollment page here:
Open Enrollment

Registration and Enrollment
Open Enrollment / Transfers
Arizona state law allows students to apply for admission to any public school through open enrollment based on available school and program space (A.R.S. ยง 15-816.01).
Open Enrollment is an opportunity for students who reside outside of Kingman Unified School District boundaries to enroll in KUSD schools. Students who live within KUSD boundaries (resident students) may also apply for open enrollment to change schools to one outside their geographically assigned school zone. Acceptance is based on the requested schoolโs grade-level, program capacity, and admissions criteria. Capacity, availability, and open enrollment criteria will be updated on district and school sites quarterly.
KUSD Open Enrollment Board Policy
KUSD Open Enrollment Capacity
To start the open enrollment process for any school or program with an Available or Limited capacity, fill out the Open Enrollment / Attendance Exception Application.
Note: Capacity is updated every 12 weeks per A.R.S. 15-816.01. Capacity is calculated based on current staffing allocations. Please note that actual capacity on a given day may be different from what is indicated above due to fluctuations in enrollments or withdrawals. Space availability is based on current enrollment plus a 3% allowance for new enrollments. Enrollment for students who receive special education services is determined based on services and support listed in the student's IEP. Cambridge program capacity is based on the number of sections and seats available. Please contact the school front office for more information regarding availability by individual grade span or program. KUSD Staffing Ratio: PreK (x), K-3 (25:1), 4-5 (27:1), 6-8 (30:1), 9-12 (32:1), Sped (program dependent, but typically 12:1 or less with para support to lower ratio to 10:1, 8:1 or 6:1).
Open Enrollment Criteria
Classroom or program space availability.
Parent or legal guardians provide transportation to and from school.
Student maintains prompt and regular attendance.
Student maintains good citizenship.
Student maintains steady academic growth.
Open enrollment applications are accurately and truthfully completed.
Once a student is accepted and attending the school of choice, the student must comply with the school's rules as reflected in the student/parent handbook and/or board policy. Failure to follow all KUSD policies and procedures may result in the denial of a future open enrollment application at all schools within the District. If this occurs, the student will be enrolled at his/her home school only. The student may reapply for open enrollment one calendar year following the revocation.
Open enrollment may be immediately revoked for disciplinary action that results in expulsion or long-term suspension. It may also be revoked at the end of the semester due to chronically poor attendance or failure to follow school rules, district policies and procedures, and/or any other disruptions by the student that interfere with the day to day running of a school.
Prior to an open enrollment revocation, a warning letter will be sent from the school principal to the parent or legal guardian. Parents who receive a warning letter from the school should follow up with school administration to ensure an understanding of changes needed to improve the studentโs open enrollment status.
False information submitted on the open enrollment application is considered a breach of the agreement and is cause for enrollment revocation. False information may include, but is not limited to, purposefully providing an incorrect address, submitting altered academic / behavior records, or requesting program space availability without the intention of participating in the program.
Open enrollment applications may be submitted throughout the year and will be accepted up to the 10th day of the semester or school year by each school with available capacity. Applications submitted to schools with limited or no capacity will be placed on a waiting list. Parents and legal guardians will be notified by the 10th day of the new semester or school year, in writing, regarding the status of the application and number of students on the waiting list.