school building

Registration & Enrollment

Online Student Enrollment

All KUSD student enrollment is held online.

To enroll your child or update their existing enrollment information, please select one of the two options below:

Registration Options

REGISTER or UPDATE you student for the school year online!

Which school?

If you are unsure which school to register your child with, Click here to view attendance boundary maps.

Enrollment Documentation

If you need further enrollment assistance, please contact the school in your boundary area. You may need to provide the following documentation when enrolling your child:

  • Birth Certificate

  • Immunizations

  • Proof of Residency - for example: utility bill, rental agreement or bank statement

  • Name, address and phone number of previous school.

Attendance Exception Form

Guide for Keeping Schools Open

This guide outlines the KUSD #20 strategic plan for the upcoming school year. The plan also includes a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) to be used during future emergencies or short-term closures. The plan was devised to ensure the education of our students continues in a safe, effective and inclusive manner.

Guide for Keeping Schools Open

This guidebook is organized into the general categories of Safety, Teaching and Learning, Finance and Human Resources.

Notice for Families in Transition

If your family lives in any of the following situations:

  • shelter

  • motel

  • vehicle

  • campground

  • on the street

  • abandoned buildings or trailers

  • doubled-up with relatives or friends

    Then according to the McKinney-Vento Act, you are eligible for participation in the Kingman Unified School District Families in Transition (FIT) program. Read the Educational Rights of Homeless Children and Youths document.

Find information and contact our liaison by visiting the Families in Transition page:

Open Enrollment / Student Transfers

Arizona state law allows students to apply for admission to any public school through open enrollment based on available school and program space (A.R.S. § 15-816.01).

Open Enrollment is an opportunity for students who reside outside of Kingman Unified School District boundaries to enroll in KUSD schools. Students who live within KUSD boundaries (resident students) may also apply for open enrollment to change schools to one outside their geographically assigned school zone.

Acceptance is based on the requested school’s grade-level, program capacity, and admissions criteria. Capacity, availability, and open enrollment criteria will be updated on district and school sites quarterly. Read more on our Open Enrollment page here.