K-3 Move On When Reading (MOWR)

Arizona’s Move On When Reading policy is designed to provide students with evidence-based, effective reading instruction in kindergarten through third grade in order to position them for success as they progress through school, college, and career.

Per A.R.S. §15-701, a 3rd-grade student who fails to meet the Move On When Reading (MOWR) cut score on the Reading portion of the state assessment will not be promoted to the 4th grade.

While many focus on the retention element of the MOWR legislation, which impacts less than 3% of students in the state each year, its primary and greatest impact is in its focus on early identification of struggling readers so that they receive targeted interventions designed to have them reading at grade level by or before the end of 3rd grade. The legislation is designed to equip schools and teachers to provide students with the specific assistance they need to become lifelong readers.